Øyvind Rauset
Musiker, billedkunstner og grafisk designer.
Siden 2003 har jeg gjenopptatt min gamle drøm om å lage musikk. Fra 1976 til 1992 spilte jeg fele i band som Folque og Ym:Stammen, og laget en instrumental-CD som ble mye spilt på 90-tallet. Jeg gjør naturligvis stadig grafisk design og tegner også iblant, men for tida konsentrerer jeg energien mest om to nye album jeg har jobba med på fritida de siste ti åra. Det tærer for mye på samvittigheten å ha dem liggende uferdig.
From the beginning I wanted to make music, to paint (or rather draw), and make graphic design. I took education in all three professions and ended up doing all of them (tough not necessarily at the same time).
So, for what it's worth,
here is the CV in chronological order:
- Born Oct 3, 1952 in Oslo. My family comes from the West and North of Norway. Rauset is the farm where my father comes from, situated in beautiful Gloppen, Nordfjord. My mother comes from Rossfjordstraumen in Troms.
- Education: 5 years at Oslo katedralskole (high-school - the institution is 850 years old!) (filmclip from 1970 here); Statens Handverks- og kunstindustriskole (Norway's Arts- and Crafts School) 4 years; Statens Kunstakademi (Oslo Art Academy) 5 years; Østlandets Music Conservatory (now part of Musikkhøgskolen i Oslo) 10 years half-time study of violin, piano and music harmonics.
- Acquisitions: Norsk Kulturråd (Norw. Cultural Council); Statfjord B.
- Scholarships: Norwegian Illustration fund 1987; Govt.'s Travel- and Study Scholarship 1991 (to Egypt); Norw. Composers' Royalty Fund 1997; TONO work scholarship 1997 and 2004; Norw. Composers' Royalty Fund 2003, Norw. Composers' Fund 2011.
Some highlights of my working life (newest at the bottom)
Playing on the street - Karl Johans gate, 1977.
1971: Debut - Nord-norske Kunstutstilling (Art fair of Northern Norway)
- 1972-: Debut at Høstutstillingen. Participated on the Norwegian "Salon d'Autumne", Oslo for 5 different years with paintings and graphic art.
- 1973 - 95: Book covers for various Norwegian publishers (Cappelen, Aschehoug, Oktober).
- 1973-76: Violin in the rock group "Strengegjengen" (LP "Trå Tell + big anti Eur. Melody Contest show in Chateau Neuf, Oslo 1976). 1976-77 I also played irish msuic with "Gamal Rull", and had a year on the road with rock group "Bazar" (a.k.a "Kark").
- 1977-81 + 84: Violin in the folkrock group "Folque": participated on 5 LP's (picture left is from 82). 1977: Kalvøya Festival, 1984: Midtfyn Festival (Denmark).
- 1981: First separate exhibition in Groruddalen Art Club (was stopped by the local priest).
- 1982: Debut album: "Landscape With Two Figures" (LP, with English songwriter Richard Burgess)
- 1985: Initiator of the pan-Scandinavian erotic exhibition "Natt & Dag" (Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen).
- 1986: Participated on "Eroticism in Norwegian Art", Oslo Consert Hall. Public's prize for most popular picture. Same year mentioned w/painting in Holger Kofoeds's art book "Eros i Norsk Kunst 1880-1980-årene".
- 1987: Separate exhibit at Black Box/Aker Brygge, Oslo.
- 1988: Separate exhibit at Galerie Janssen, Berlin: "From Boy To Man"
- 1988: First solo-CD: "13 Impossible Dances + 1 Improbable".
- 1989: Various smaller separate exhibits in Sandefjord, Trondheim, Oslo.
- 1989: First published essay in the antology "I min mors hus" (In Mother's house), Pax Forlag.
- 1989-95: Graphics consultant at the Government Printer's Office. In 1991 I was assigned to make the first digital versions of the Norwegian national emblem (Riksvåpenet) after the paper originals of Sverre Morken. I also worked for the Finance Department (PR for the Tax Reform 1992 and various state budgets) and the Prime Minister's office.
- 1993-96: Violin/keyboard in the group "Ym-Stammen" (participated on 2 CDs) 1996: The Roskilde and Quart festivals, 1997: TV program from tour in Faroe Islands).
- 1993, March: Live performance of "Danse Impossible" in tv show "Endelig Fredag" (Finally Friday) in NRK 1 with Jo and Tarjei from Ym-Stammen plus Anders Rogg on keyboard. Hosted by the actor Rolv Wesenlund.
- 1994: Theme music (+ interview) on the first Norwegian CD-ROM "Definitiv CD-Rom" (Publish & Multimedia World). Interview here (QuickTime, 1.3 MB)
- 1994: Released Anders Rogg's CD "When Waves Come to Die" on my indy record label.
- 1995: Separate exhibition, Gallery Metropol, Oslo.
- June: The lithograph "Loneliness with bedspread" was chosen to be an award for Elton John, presented to him at his concert in Oslo Spectrum during his "Made In England" tour. I met Elton before the concert and he invited us to see the show (Article from "Blikk" here).
- 1993-2000: Freelance teacher for Statskonsult, Aktiv Opplæring, YS Utviklingssenter (courses in Photoshop, Illustrator, Pagemaker, PowerPoint and Adobe Golive).
Siri Kvalheim, Elton John, Øyvind Rauset in Oslo Spectrum, 1995. (
Text here).
1995-2000: Freelance graphic- & web designer. Working for The Royal Family (monograms), YSU (Trade union website), Kripos (The criminal police website), Tempus (webdesign for computer firm), Norad (presentations), various publishing houses (book design).
- 1996: Music for the tv-series "Mellom Bakkar og Berg" (NRK 1).
- 1997: Separate exhibit: "Portretter & Nærbilder", Hanse Kunsthandel, Bryggen/Bergen.
- 1997: Violin in the Swedish techno/dance group "Polaris" (concerts in Oslo, Copenhagen, Frankfurt.
- 1997-98: Violin in the tango group "Tanz Fatal".
- 1998: Music for tv series about the film photographer Per Høst (NRK 1).
- Received the Tupilak prize "Thor's Hammer" for promotion of gay art in Scandinavia
- 1999: Theme music for the tv series "Ut i Naturen" (NRK 1). (Listen to it here - QuickTime required)
- 1999-2000: Actor ("paparazzi") in the Pain Solution/Aurin Theatre play "Sandman/Key to Hell" (Oslo).
- Feb./March: Music and videos for the theatre group Baktruppen ("EuroHæ" by Dag Solstad) and Høgskulen i Volda (Olav Duun "Medmennske")
- May: Schengen Website for public info about the new passport rules according to the Schengen agreement (The Justice department). I also made a folder in 4 languages, produced in 3 mill. copies and sent to all homes in Norway.
- June-July: Wedding monogram for the royal wedding 25.08.2001 (HRH Crown Prince Haakon and Mette-Marit Tjessem Høiby).
- September: monogram for the Crown Princess.
November: The graphic design of the wedding, including the monogram, received a design award from the Norwegian Design Council.
- Jan.: Two more jingles for "Ut i Naturen" (NRK 1)
- Feb.: "Tornerose": Music for a performance by Håvve Fjell/ Pain Solution in Kunstnernes Hus. Listen here...
- March: Guest in tv program "Stereo" on NRK1.
- March: Wedding monogram for HRH Princess Märtha and Ari Behn.
- June: One photographic work elected to be shown in the international Adobe Digital Imaging Competition.
- June: Theme music for the series "Grønn Glede" (Green happiness) on NRK1 tv.
- June: Artist of the year award in Viseklubben Nye Skalder
- August: Some concerts with the rock group Bandkind (ZoomIn festival, Oslo). Started playing with the retro jazz group Oslo Radio Orkester.
- October: First solo concert as violin player in Skuret Kulturpub, Oslo (with Folque and Oslo Radio Orkester in some of the songs).
- Jan.-May: Design of 500 pages picture book celebrating the 850 anniversary of Oslo Katedralskole (Oslo's oldest public school), plus a song book (74 pages) for the same occasion.
- May: Composers' scholarship (Komponistenes vederlagsfond) for making new melodies.
- June: Two weeks stay in the Composer union NOPA's house in Nerja, Spain.
- August: Redesign of the Nye Skalder website.
- Dec 03 - April 04: 12 weeks number one on Østlandstoppen with "Reality Song".
- March: Elected chairman of the songwriter club "Nye Skalder"
- April: Monogram for H.R.H. Princess Ingrid Alexandra.
- June: Solo concert in Renseriet, Oslo
- July: Participated in exhibition + art book "Norsk Illustrasjonsfond 25 år" (Porsgrunn + Oslo)
- June: Separate exhibition in Galleri Y.M.S.E, Oslo
- June: 5 new compositions for "Viser Ved Kanalen", Telemark (bestillingsverk).
- Dec: Solo concert in Nye Skalder/Parkteatret, Oslo.
- Feb.-March: In Zanzibar studying Taarab music.
- April: Resigned as chairman of the songwriter club Nye Skalder after 2 years, but continues in the board.
- August: Runner-up in the British-based Singer/Songwriter Award 2006, with "Sunday Afternoon at the Plaza".
- August/Sept: Composing for and performing in Afro-Norwegian dance performance "Cultural Unite" on the Innvik Theatre Boat (Oslo).
- Sept: Concert at Nye Skalder/ Mogador, Oslo.
- Feb-March: Redesign of the Norsk Viseforum website (the official Norwegian songwriter organisation).
- June: Making music on stage in the theatre play "Til Noreg der Kjærleik Ventar" at Det Norske Teater in Oslo - a cooperation between the Norwegian Theatre, Noregs Ungdomslag and Nordic Black Theatre.
- Since May 07: Editor of the songwriter website (and as of June 2008 also the printed magazine) Viser.no
- April: Only Scandinavian finalist in the International Songwriting Competition.
- April/May: Music on stage in the play "Til Noreg der Kjærleik Ventar" - Det Norske Teater, Scene 2.
- October: Music with the dance company Heritage at Den Norske Opera.
- May: Performing at the Harare International Art Fair (HAIFA), Zimbabwe, with the
dance company Heritage.
- Composerts' fund grant (Det Norske Komponistfond) for 2 new songs for Oslo Radio-Orkester.
Tilbake til forsida
Copyright © Rauset.no
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