Cover: In front of the Edfu temple in Egypt. (Photo: Leif Pareli).

Spikersuppe-samba / Alvedans: Single from Slagerfabrikken/ Audun Thylden (1985).With Steinar Ofsdal on tin whizzle. It was on the Norwegian Radio's top ten for 7 weeks, even without a song text...
Landskap Med To Figurer: The LP was released by Rixi, a subset of the Swedish Mariann Records.
Dans, Dans, Olav Liljekrans - Øyvind's first Folque-LP, released by Mai Records.
Utgitt musikk - Released music:
CD: 13 Impossible Dances + 1 Improbable
Both editions of the CD is sold out (only 2000 copies) but you can still have it on or the iTunes Music store, with better sound quality than "normal" iTunes songs (and no copy protection, so you can play it on any mp3 player).
Some samples - longer ones than the 30 second clips in the stores. They also work with iPhone/ iPod.
The mp3 samples are made with 96-128 kHz (poor/medium web quality).
All melodies except "St.Magnus Hymn" composed by Øyvind Rauset.
Choir on "St. Magnus Hymn" and "River Styx": Kim Kaltenborn, Trond Kirkeby-Garstad and Bjørn Larsen. Saxophone on Valse Avec: Lars Bremnes.
All instruments played by Øyvind Rauset, except when noted above.
- Her er sida med "13 Umulige" på iTunes (You go there through iTunes):

- Har du ikke iTunes, kan du høre (og evt kjøpe) albumet på (Go here to listen if you don't have iTunes).
Single: Spikersuppe-samba / Alvedans
Instrumental-single fra Slagerfabrikken/ Thylden (1985) med Steinar Ofsdal på fløyte. Sambaen lå på Norsktoppen i sju uker (Lydkutt i lista over).
LP "Landskap Med To Figurer" (1982)
Her er fem av låtene fra plata / Five samples from the LP:
- Sorgen og Glæden de vandrer Tilhope. Instrumental made from an old hymn. The harpsichord used is a real Brødrene Knag produced in Bergen, kindly lent to us by Jens Bjørneboe.
- Her Går Dansen - A hapy song about a green world.
- Requiem (text/mel.: Richard Burgess).
- Nattergal. The only song on the LP where I do the lead song. It's about a drop-out so I guess that's OK.
- Bror, lån meg armar. One of my songs in prog rock style (sort of). Song: Richard Burgess. Text: Øystein Spjelkavik.
Music copyright (c): Richard Burgess and Øyvind Rauset
TV jingles:
I made a few - the ones most used are:
- Intro jingle for the weekly tv program "Ut i Naturen" (NRK 1). (QuickTime - 0.3 MB). Still in use after 7 years (july 2007)!
- Intro jingle for the garden program "Grønn Glede", NRK1. (MP3 - 0.3 MB)
I've also played violin and keyboard in these groups:
Some of them have websites - check them out!
One of my tunes from Folque's album "Landet Ditt" (1982):
- Fanfare - 3.5 MB - my first instrumental with synths combined with live instruments. No MIDI here.
The MP3s of my music is "shareware". I do this for a living - and hope to be able to make more of it! If you like this music enough for keeps, please go to or iTunes to download the songs or the full album (with much better sound quality)!

All pictures and music: Copyright (c) Øyvind Rauset.